It is my favorite time of the season! And today was a very special day here in Alabama. Today,The University of Alabama played its first game of the season in Tuscaloosa. We played Kent State and had an impressive win, 48-7. But that was not all of what this game was about. It was the first game played since the April 27th tornado tore through Tuscaloosa, destroying so much of the city and killong 35+. Seven of those who died in the tornado were students at the University.
There was a pre-game performance by rhe Million Dollare Band to honor all the first responders on April 27th. And the half-time show included a tribute to those who died in the storm. The band played a trilogy of Amazing Grace, Taps, and My Home's in Alabama. The stadium was full of tears.
Prior to the beginning of the game the Alabama fans gave the Kent State team a Standing O when they entered the stadium. You see, a good many of their players came down to Tuscaloosa this past summer to help build houses for those who had lost their homes in the storm. Even though we were glad to have beat them in the game today, we love them for caring so so much to give up part of their summer vacation to help is out. It will not be forgotten.
I made a card to celebrate the beginnig football season.
This is an A2 size card/ The background paper is a crimson from The Paper Company, (JoAnn's) and the black and white houndstooth is from DCWV Dots, Stripes, and Plauds stack. I cut the elephant from the Cricut Lite Zoo Day cartridge and the A from the Stone Script cartridge. The logo I printed from the internet. And I tied some crimson and white twine to the card.
This is the inside using the same papers. I cut the Play Time from the Cricut Lite Play time cartridge. I wanted to add a houndstooth ribbon to the card. But I do not have a cartridge with that cut. But I do have a stamp that is the shape of the ribbon. So I stamped it on the houndstooth paper and cut it out. Perfect!! It was important to use the ribbon on the card, because that has become the symbol of Tuscaloosa since the tornado. It is even painted on the field as a memorial, and the players wear one on their helmets.

My sweet daddy, who is 87 years old is a die-hard BAMA fan. He no longer goes to the games. But he would not miss watching one on television, no matter the cost where he is at the time. Two weeks ago he told me that he was going to buy a new television before the first game of the season. He just wanted something larger than his 42" screen. So he bought a 58" screen. I am sure that he was wearing his shirt like Coach Sabin, one of his Bama hats, sitting in his den with Alabama football art hanging on the wall, watching the game and cheering the Tide on! I haven't seen him today to ask hime about watching the game on his new set. But, I will drop by my parents tomorrow and visit with him and get the scoop. So the only thing I have left tosay about today is...